INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS3-243NOTE:Although the total number of clicks of adamping force adjusting mechanismmay not exactly match the specifica-tions listed due to small differences inproduction, the actual number of clicksalways represents the entire adjust-ment range. To obtain a precise adjust-ment, it would be advisable to checkthe number of clicks of each dampingforce adjusting mechanism and to mod-ify the specifications as necessary.WARNINGEWA10220This shock absorber contains highlypressurized nitrogen gas. For prop-er handling, read and understandthe following information beforehandling the shock absorber. Themanufacturer cannot be held re-sponsible for property damage orpersonal injury that may result fromimproper handling. Do not tamper with or attempt toopen the gas cylinder. Do not subject the shock ab-sorber to an open flame or otherhigh heat sources, otherwise itmay explode due to excessivegas pressure. Do not deform or damage thegas cylinder in any way, as thiswill result in poor damping per-formance. Always have a Yamaha dealerservice the shock absorber.EAU15181Luggage strap holdersThere are four luggage strap holders onthe bottom of the passenger seat. Touse the strap holders, remove the pas-senger seat, unhook the straps fromthe hooks, and then install the seat withthe straps hanging out from under thepassenger seat. (See page 3-19.)1. Luggage strap holder2. Hook