MOTORCYCLE CARE AND STORAGE7-374. To prevent corrosion, it is recom-mended to apply a corrosion pro-tection spray on all metal,including chrome- and nickel-plat-ed, surfaces.5. Use spray oil as a universal clean-er to remove any remaining dirt.6. Touch up minor paint damagecaused by stones, etc.7. Wax all painted surfaces.8. Let the motorcycle dry completelybefore storing or covering it.WARNINGEWA11130 Make sure that there is no oil orwax on the brakes or tires. If necessary, clean the brakediscs and brake linings with aregular brake disc cleaner or ac-etone, and wash the tires withwarm water and a mild deter-gent. Before riding at higherspeeds, test the motorcycle’sbraking performance and cor-nering behavior.CAUTION:ECA10800 Apply spray oil and wax spar-ingly and make sure to wipe offany excess. Never apply oil or wax to anyrubber and plastic parts, buttreat them with a suitable careproduct. Avoid using abrasive polishingcompounds as they will wearaway the paint.NOTE:Consult a Yamaha dealer for advice onwhat products to use.EAU26201StorageShort-termAlways store your motorcycle in a cool,dry place and, if necessary, protect itagainst dust with a porous cover.CAUTION:ECA10810 Storing the motorcycle in apoorly ventilated room or cover-ing it with a tarp, while it is stillwet, will allow water and humid-ity to seep in and cause rust. To prevent corrosion, avoiddamp cellars, stables (becauseof the presence of ammonia)and areas where strong chemi-cals are stored.Long-termBefore storing your motorcycle for sev-eral months:1. Follow all the instructions in the“Care” section of this chapter.2. Fill up the fuel tank and add fuelstabilizer (if available) to preventthe fuel tank from rusting and thefuel from deteriorating.