INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS3-253EAU15181Luggage strap holdersThere are four luggage strap holders onthe bottom of the passenger seat. Touse the strap holders, remove the pas-senger seat, unhook the straps fromthe hooks, and then install the seat withthe straps hanging out from under thepassenger seat. (See page 3-19.)EAU15281EXUP systemThis model is equipped with Yamaha’sEXUP (EXhaust Ultimate Power valve)system. This system boosts enginepower by means of a valve that regu-lates the diameter of the exhaust pipe.The EXUP system valve is constantlyadjusted in accordance with the enginespeed by a computer-controlled servo-motor.CAUTION:ECA10191 The EXUP system has been setand extensively tested at theYamaha factory. Changingthese settings without sufficienttechnical knowledge may resultin poor performance of or dam-age to the engine. If the EXUP system cannot beheard when the main switch isturned on, have a Yamaha deal-er check it.EAU15301SidestandThe sidestand is located on the left sideof the frame. Raise the sidestand orlower it with your foot while holding thevehicle upright.NOTE:The built-in sidestand switch is part ofthe ignition circuit cut-off system, whichcuts the ignition in certain situations.(See further down for an explanation ofthe ignition circuit cut-off system.)WARNINGEWA10240The vehicle must not be ridden withthe sidestand down, or if the side-stand cannot be properly moved up(or does not stay up), otherwise thesidestand could contact the groundand distract the operator, resultingin a possible loss of control.Yamaha’s ignition circuit cut-offsystem has been designed to assistthe operator in fulfilling the respon-sibility of raising the sidestand be-fore starting off. Therefore, checkthis system regularly as described1. Luggage strap holder2. Hook