PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR6-16EAU17240Safety is an obligation of the owner. Pe-riodic inspection, adjustment and lubri-cation will keep your vehicle in thesafest and most efficient condition pos-sible. The most important points of in-spection, adjustment, and lubricationare explained on the following pages.The intervals given in the periodicmaintenance and lubrication chartshould be simply considered as a gen-eral guide under normal riding condi-tions. However, DEPENDING ON THEWEATHER, TERRAIN, GEOGRAPHI-CAL LOCATION, AND INDIVIDUALUSE, THE MAINTENANCE INTER-VALS MAY NEED TO BE SHORT-ENED.WARNINGEWA10320If you are not familiar with mainte-nance work, have a Yamaha dealerdo it for you.EAU33881Owner’s tool kitThe owner’s tool kit is located under thepassenger seat. (See page 3-19.)The service information included in thismanual and the tools provided in theowner’s tool kit are intended to assistyou in the performance of preventivemaintenance and minor repairs. How-ever, additional tools such as a torquewrench may be necessary to performcertain maintenance work correctly.NOTE:If you do not have the tools or experi-ence required for a particular job, havea Yamaha dealer perform it for you.WARNINGEWA10350Modifications not approved byYamaha may cause loss of perfor-mance and render the vehicle un-safe for use. Consult a Yamahadealer before attempting any chang-es.WARNINGEWA12371Do not touch either muffler bracket,located under the muffler bracketcovers, until the exhaust system hascooled.1. Owner’s tool kit1. Muffler bracket cover2. Muffler bracket