SAFETY INFORMATION1-31LoadingThe total weight of the operator, pas-senger, accessories and cargo mustnot exceed the maximum load limit.When loading within this weight limit,keep the following in mind: Cargo and accessory weightshould be kept as low and close tothe motorcycle as possible. Makesure to distribute the weight asevenly as possible on both sides ofthe motorcycle to minimize imbal-ance or instability. Shifting weights can create a sud-den imbalance. Make sure that ac-cessories and cargo are securelyattached to the motorcycle beforeriding. Check accessory mountsand cargo restraints frequently. Never attach any large or heavyitems to the handlebar, front fork,or front fender. These items, in-cluding such cargo as sleepingbags, duffel bags, or tents, cancreate unstable handling or a slowsteering response.AccessoriesGenuine Yamaha accessories havebeen specifically designed for use onthis motorcycle. Since Yamaha cannottest all other accessories that may beavailable, you must personally be re-sponsible for the proper selection, in-stallation and use of non-Yamahaaccessories. Use extreme cautionwhen selecting and installing any ac-cessories.Keep the following guidelines in mind,as well as those provided under “Load-ing” when mounting accessories. Never install accessories or carrycargo that would impair the perfor-mance of your motorcycle. Care-fully inspect the accessory beforeusing it to make sure that it doesnot in any way reduce groundclearance or cornering clearance,limit suspension travel, steeringtravel or control operation, or ob-scure lights or reflectors.• Accessories fitted to the handle-bar or the front fork area cancreate instability due to improperweight distribution or aerody-namic changes. If accessoriesare added to the handlebar orfront fork area, they must be aslightweight as possible andshould be kept to a minimum.• Bulky or large accessories mayseriously affect the stability ofthe motorcycle due to aerody-namic effects. Wind may at-tempt to lift the motorcycle, orthe motorcycle may become un-stable in cross winds. These ac-cessories may also causeinstability when passing or beingpassed by large vehicles.• Certain accessories can dis-place the operator from his orher normal riding position. Thisimproper position limits the free-dom of movement of the opera-Maximum load:196 kg (432 lb)