PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR6-196the coolant as soon as possible,otherwise the effectiveness ofthe coolant will be reduced.13. Install the radiator cap, start theengine, let it idle for several min-utes, and then turn it off.14. Remove the radiator cap to checkthe coolant level in the radiator. Ifnecessary, add sufficient coolantuntil it reaches the top of the radia-tor, and then install the radiatorcap.15. Start the engine, and then checkthe vehicle for coolant leakage. Ifcoolant is leaking, have a Yamahadealer check the cooling system.16. Install the cowlings.EAU42960Replacing the air filter elementThe air filter element should be re-placed at the intervals specified in theperiodic maintenance and lubricationchart. Replace the air filter elementmore frequently if you are riding in un-usually wet or dusty areas.1. Remove the rider seat. (See page3-15.)2. Remove panels A and B. (Seepage 6-9.)3. Remove the fuel tank bolts.4. Lift the front of the fuel tank, andthen tilt it back and away from theair filter case. (Do not disconnectthe fuel hoses!)WARNINGEWA10410 Make sure that the fuel tank iswell supported. Do not tilt or pull the fuel tanktoo much, otherwise the fuelhoses may come loose, whichcould cause fuel leakage.5. Remove the air filter case cover byremoving the screws.1. Bolt