227. Disconnect the stabilizer plate from thestabilizer shaft assembly by removing thehairpin clips and flat washers and sliding out therod. Refer to Figure 16.8. Disconnect the six deck links by removing thehairpin clips and flat washers.9. Place the lift lever in the BLADES STOPposition.10. Slide the deck from beneath the lawn tractor.11. Remove the belt guards at each deck pulley byremoving the self-tapping screws. See Figure26.Figure 2612. Remove and replace the belt, reassemblefollowing the instructions in reverse order.DECK BELTS (46" DECK)1. Place the lift lever in the engaged (all the wayforward) position.2. Disconnect the spring which is attached to abracket on the transaxle, inside the right rearwheel. Use a spring puller or other suitable tool.NOTE:When reassembling, make certain beltkeeper pins are assembled in the same locationsfrom which they were removed. See Figure 25.3. Place the lift lever in the BLADES STOPposition.4. Remove the belt keeper pins from the lowerframe. See Figure 25.5. Unhook the deck belt from the engine pulley.6. Place the lift lever in the engaged (all the wayforward) position.7. Disconnect the stabilizer plate from thestabilizer shaft assembly by removing thehairpin clips and flat washers and sliding out therod. Refer to Figure 16.8. Disconnect the six deck links by removing thehairpin clips and flat washers.9. Place the lift lever in the BLADES STOPposition.10. Slide the deck from beneath the lawn tractor.11. Remove the top deck drive belt by lifting up onthe stabilizer plate, and slipping belt off thepulley.12. Remove the belt cover at the two outside deckpulleys, by removing the self-tapping screws.13. Release the tension on the spring loaded idlerby pushing the idler toward the rear of the deck.14. Remove the belt from around the idler pulleys,and remove from the three deck pulleys.15. Reassemble new belts, following instructions inreverse order.REAR DRIVE BELT1. Place shift lever in neutral position. Unscrew theshift knob and the speed control knob (if locatedon the console). Remove the two truss headscrews which secure the transmission cover.See Figure 27.2. Lift the transmission cover. Unplug the safetywire from beneath the transmission cover. SeeFigure 27. Remove transmission cover.Figure 273. Push the idler pulley toward the right side of theunit. Lift the belt over the idler pulley. See Figure28.4. Remove the belt from the variable speed pulley.5. Remove the two bolts which hold the shift leverbracket to the frame on the left side of the unit.Swing the bracket toward the right so the beltcan be removed from the transmission pulley.See Figure 28.6. Replace belt, and reassemble in reverse order.7. Adjust the speed control as instructed in adjust-ment section.Self-TappingScrews BeltGuardBelt GuardStabilizerPlateDeckPulleysShiftKnobTrussHead ScrewsSafetyWire