22Check Brake OperationCheck Tire PressureCheck Operator Presence andInterlock SystemsCheck for Loose FastenersSharpen/Replace mower BladesLubrication ChartCheck Battery LevelClean Battery and TerminalsCheck V-BeltsCheck Engine Oil LevelChange Engine Oil (with oil filter)Change Engine Oil (without oil filter)Clean Air FilterClean Air ScreenInspect Muffler/Spark ArresterReplace Oil FilterClean Engine Cooling FinsReplace Spark PlugReplace Air Filter Paper CartridgeReplace Fuel FilterCUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITIESMAINTENANCE SCHEDULEBeforeeachu s eEVERY8 Hours 25 Hours 50 Hours 100 Hours SeasonBeforeStorageXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXXX XX XXX1, 223451, 21, 22221 - change more often when operating under a heavy load or in highambient temperatures.2 - Service more often when operating in dirty or dusty conditions.3 - Replace blades more often when mowing in sandy soil.4 - Not required if equipped with maintenance-free battery.5 - Tighten front axle pivot bolt to 35 ft./lbs. maximum.DO NOT overtighten.GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONSThe warranty on this mower does not coveritems that have been subjected to operatorabuse or negligence. To receive full value fromthe warranty, operator must maintain mower asinstructed in this manual.Some adjustments will need to be made periodi-cally to properly maintain your mower.All adjustments in the Service and Adjustmentssection of the this manual should be checked atleast once each season.• Once a year you should replace thespark plug, clean or replace air filter, andcheck blades and belts for wear. A newspark plug and clean air filter assureproper air-fuel mixture and help yourengine run better and last longer.BEFORE EACH USE• Check engine oil level.• Check brake operation.• Check tire pressure.• Check operator presence and interlocksystems for proper operation.• Check for loose fasteners.