| Using Yealink Meeting Server | 61• Meet Now Conference• Virtual Meeting Room• Manage YMS Video ConferencesDialing YMS AccountsYou can place a point-to-point call by dialing other YMS accounts.Related tasksPlacing a Call by Entering a NumberViewing Scheduled ConferencesIf you have scheduled conferences or are invited to a scheduled conference, the conference schedule will be displayedon your device (with a YMS account registered), and the mailbox linked to the YMS account will receive an emailabout the conference details.ProcedureOn your monitor/CP960/CTP20, do one of the following:• On the idle screen, view the conference schedules. The upcoming or ongoing conferences of today aredisplayed in the conference schedule.• On the idle screen, select one schedule to see the schedule list, then you can see the ongoing or upcomingconferences of the latest month.Joining Scheduled Conferences• Joining a Scheduled Conference from a Conference Reminder• Joining a Scheduled Conference from a Conference Invitation• Joining a Scheduled Conference from the Conference Schedule• Joining a Scheduled Conference from the Notification Center• Joining a Scheduled YMS Conference by Dialing• Watching the Live BroadcastJoining a Scheduled Conference from a Conference ReminderA reminder pops up 5 minutes before the conference starts on your monitor/CP960/CTP20.ProcedureOn your remote control/CP960/CTP20, do one of the following:• Select Join to join the scheduled conference.• Select Detail to view the conference details, and select Join.Select Ignore to remove the reminder and then it will not pop up any longer.Note: When the system is in a call, the conference reminder will not pop up. If the call ends but thescheduled conference is still ongoing, the reminder will pop up again. But if the scheduled conferenceends, the reminder will not pop up.