JOHNSON CONTROLS18FORM 100.50-SU3 (1207)ECONOMIZER –VARIABLE AIR VOLUME – DUALENTHALPY“DUCT PRESSURE SETPOINT” – Must be setusing Parameter 30 under the PROGRAM key on theSimplicity control board or under the FAN tab in theSimplicity PC software package. Settable between 0.0and 5.0 INWC. The default value is 1.5 INWC.“DUCT PRESSURE SHUTDOWN SETPOINT” – Mustbe set under the FAN tab in the Simplicity PC softwarepackage. Settable between 0.0 and 5.0 INWC. Thedefault value is 4.5 INWC.“OUTSIDE AIR HUMIDITY SENSOR INSTALLED”– must be turned ON using Parameter 36 under thePROGRAM key on the Simplicity control board orunder the ECONOMIZER/EXHAUST tab in theSimplicity PC software.“RETURN AIR HUMIDITY SENSOR INSTALLED”– must be turned ON using Parameter 38 under thePROGRAM key on the Simplicity control board orunder the ECONOMIZER/EXHAUST tab in theSimplicity PC software.“DIFFERENTIAL ENTHALPY MODE ENABLED”– must be turned ON under the ECONOMIZER/EXHAUST tab in the Simplicity PC software.ECONOMIZER LOADINGField WiringNo additional connections required.Misc. ConnectionsNo additional connections required.Programming“ECONOMIZER LOADING ENABLE” – must beturned ON under the COOLING SETUP tab in theSimplicity PC software.“SUPPLY AIR TEMP LIMIT FOR COOLING” – mustbe turned ON under the COOLING SETUP tab in theSimplicity PC software.“SUPPLY AIR TEMP LIMIT COOLING SETPOINT”– must be programmed under the COOLING SETUPtab in the Simplicity PC software. The default valveis 50.0º F.BAS ECONOMIZERField WiringConnect an external 2-10 VDC source to terminals BASECON + and BAS ECON – on the Simplicity controlboard (see Appendix 1).Misc. ConnectionsNo additional connections required.Programming“ECONOMIZER INSTALLED” – must be turned OFFusing Parameter 32 under the PROGRAM key on theSimplicity control board or under the ECONOMIZER/EXHAUST tab in the Simplicity PC software.“OUTSIDE AIR HUMIDITY SENSOR INSTALLED”– must be turned OFF using Parameter 36 under thePROGRAM key on the Simplicity control board orunder the ECONOMIZER/EXHAUST tab in theSimplicity PC software.“RETURN AIR HUMIDITY SENSOR INSTALLED”– must be turned OFF using Parameter 38 under thePROGRAM key on the Simplicity control board orunder the ECONOMIZER/EXHAUST tab in theSimplicity PC software.“THIRD PART BAS ECONOMIZER INSTALLED”– must be turned ON using Parameter 58 under thePROGRAM key on the Simplicity control board orunder the EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION tab in theSimplicity PC software.