JOHNSON CONTROLS32FORM 100.50-SU3 (1207)FIG. 2-8 – FIELD CONTROL WIRING CONNECTIONSLD13002Wiring Notes:1. Wiring shown indicates typical wiring. Refer to the IOM manual for more detailed wiring methods and options.2. All wiring is Class 2, low voltage.3. Maximum power available from the 24 VAVC terminal is 40 VA.4. Use shielded wire where shown.FIELD CONTROL WIRING CONNECTIONSY4 (Cool Stage 4) Y4Y3 (Cool Stage 3) Y3Y2 (Cool Stage 2) Y2Y1 (Cool Stage 1) Y1W3 (Heating Stage 3) W3W2 (Heating Stage 2) W2W1 (Heating Stage 1) W1G (Fan) GR (24 VAC) RC (Common) CXFAULTLIGHT(Optional)10 WIRE THERMOSTATROCCPURGEBAS ECON +BAS ECON -Use shielded wireBAS ECONOMIZERINPUT0-10 VDC(Field Supplied)VAV OPEN +VAV OPEN -VAV HEAT RELAY24 VDCRELAY(Field Supplied)CO2 SENSOR(Field Supplied)0-2000 PPM0-10 VDC OUTPUTUse ShieldedWireUse Shielded Wire UseShieldedWireDV+DV-SUPPLY AIRTEMP RESET0-10 VDC(Field Supplied)REM +STSD1 RREM -GNDSSOSPACESENSOR10K TYPE IIITHERMISTORCOMTMPSPACE SENSORRESET20K ADJUSTPOTENTIOMETERCOM SETShutdown