JOHNSON CONTROLS22FORM 100.50-SU3 (1207)EXHAUST FAN – ON/OFF CONTROL BASED ONOUTDOOR DAMPER POSITIONField WiringNo additional connections required.Misc. ConnectionsNo additional connections required.Programming“POWER EXHAUSR INSTALLED” – must be turnedON using Parameter 43 under the PROGRAM key on theSimplicity control board or under the ECONOMIZER /EXHAUST tab in the Simplicity PC software.“ECONOMIZER DAMPER POSITION FOR EXHAUSTFAN TO TURN ON” – must be programmed usingParameter 48 under the PROGRAM key on theSimplicity control board or under the ECONOMIZER/EXHAUST tab in the Simplicity PC software. Therange is 0 – 100% with a default valve of 60%.“ECONOMIZER DAMPER POSITION FOR EXHAUSTFAN TO TURN OFF” – must be programmed usingParameter 49 under the PROGRAM key on theSimplicity control board or under the ECONOMIZER/EXHAUST tab in the Simplicity PC software. Therange is 0 – 100% with a default valve of 20%.EXHAUST FAN – ON/OFF CONTROL BASED ONBUILDING PRESSUREField WiringNo additional connections required.Misc. ConnectionsPneumatic tubing must be field-supplied and installedfrom the building pressure transducer “high” sideconnection to a field supplied pressure probe installedin the conditioned space. The probe should be installedin a location where the building pressure is most critical.The building static pressure transducer is mounted inthe control compartment.An atmospheric static pressure probe with a bracket isfactory supplied (shipped in the return section of theunit) and is to be installed on the specified support post(see Appendix 1). A barbed fitting is already factoryinstalled on the support post, and should be used toconnect the atmospheric probe using field suppliedpneumatic tubing.Programming“POWER EXHAUSR INSTALLED” – must be turnedON using Parameter 43 under the PROGRAM key on theSimplicity control board or under the ECONOMIZER /EXHAUST tab in the Simplicity PC software.“ B U I L D I N G S TAT I C P R E S S U R E S E N S O RINSTALLED” – must be turned ON using Parameter85 under the PROGRAM key on the Simplicity controlboard or under the EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION tabin the Simplicity PC software.“BUILDING PRESSURE SETPOINT” – must beprogrammed using Parameter 31 under the PROGRAMkey on the Simplicity control board or under theECONOMIZER / EXHAUST tab in the Simplicity PCsoftware. The range is –0.25 TO +0.25 INWC with adefault valve of +0.1 INWC.EXHAUST FAN – MODULATING DAMPER WITHFIXED SPEED EXHAUSTField WiringNo additional connections required.Misc. ConnectionsPneumatic tubing must be field-supplied and installedfrom the building pressure transducer “high” sideconnection to a field supplied pressure probe installedin the conditioned space. The probe should be installedin a location where the building pressure is most critical.The building static pressure transducer is mounted inthe control compartment.