STRETCHINGEXERCISESWARM UP - COOL DOWNBefore and after exercising spend a few minutes slowly andgently stretching and warming up.SHOULDER STRETCHBring one arm across the front of yourbody at shoulder level.Grasp the elbow of the extended armand gently pull until you feel a comfortablestretch in your shoulder: Hold for 10seconds then repeat with other arm.CALF STRETCHPlace your hands on your thigh while youpress the heel of the opposite leg behindyou towards the floor. Hold for 10seconds then repeat with other leg.THIGH STRETCHStand with feet slightly apart (shoulder width).Bend one leg and grasp your ankle, bring itup as far as you can comfortably: Hold for10 seconds then repeat with other leg.ARM STRETCHStand with feet slightly apart(shoulder width). Raise botharms above your head.Link fingers and gently pressupwards with palms up: Hold 10seconds.BACK STRETCHStand with feet slightly apart(shoulder width). Grasp handsbehind your back.Gently pressing away from yourback: Hold for 10 seconds.HAMSTRING STRETCHExtend one leg out in front of you.Remember to keep your knees slightly bent.Place your hands on the thigh of the oppositeleg to help support your upper body. Bendforward from the waist until you feel thestretch in the back of your thigh. Your backshould maintain its natural straight positionand your upper body weight should besupported by your hands on your bent leg.Hold this stretch for at least 10 secondsthen repeat with the other leg.SHOULD YOU REQUIRE ANY ASSISTANCE REGARDING THIS PRODUCT PLEASE CONTACT YORK DIRECTLY.* *