HOW LONG TO EXERCISE?To qualify as a true aerobic exercise with all the benefits we're mentioned, you must maintain yourheart rate within your training zone for at least 12 uninterrupted minutes.If you exercise longer than 60 minutes the benefits are reduced and the risk of injury is increased.If you're just starting out on a new exercise program we'recommend you stay at the 12 minute minimumfor at least a week. When you feel you're ready to go longer, increase your time no more than 10%a week. Don't push yourself too hard.You should never feel exhausted during or following exercise.TEST YOUR FITNESS LEVEL AND CHECK YOUR PROGRESSYou can use your computer to control your exercise intensity and to monitor your progress.The time it takes for your pulse to return to normal, after exercise, is an indicator of your fitness level.During the first minute of your cool-down phase you will experience a drop in your pulse rate.The bigger the drop in that minute -- the fitter you are.TO CHECK YOUR PROGRESS:1. Monitor your pulse rate the moment you end the aerobic phase of your workout and note your pulse rate.2. Begin slowing down for the cool down phase.3. After 60 seconds note the rate again.The bigger the drop in that minute-the fitter you are.To check your progress repeat this test every few weeks using the same duration and exercise intensityeach time.Keep a record of the results to help you monitor your progress.SHOULD YOU REQUIRE ANY ASSISTANCE REGARDING THIS PRODUCT PLEASE CONTACT YORK DIRECTLY.* *