CAUTION:Your legs will probably tire quicker in reverse motion than in forward motion.We suggest you train for less time in reverse motion than in forward motion.FORWARD SQUAT/KNEEBEND WORKOUT(STANDING CROSS TRAINING)Select a lead foot and press down in aforward motion. Keep your knees slightlybent, pedal slowly - whilst pedallingslowly lower your body (Approx 4 inches- 10cm) keep your back straight andvertical. In this position, make 8 fullcycles. Return to normal body positionand make 8 full cycles. Repeat for 4cycles then 2 cycles.ROUTINE: 8 FORWARD(LOWERING YOUR BODY)8 FORWARD(NORMAL BODY POSITION)REPEAT FOR 4 & 2 CYCLES.THEN TRY THE WHOLE ROUTINEPEDALLING IN REVERSE MOTION.WORKOUTS: VARY YOUR WORKOUTSAND MAKE UP NEW ROUTINES.EXERCISEGUIDE cont.iProduct may vary slightly from pictured.Product may vary slightly form pictured.IT IS IMPORTANT YOU MAINTAIN GOOD BODY POSITION AND KEEP YOUR BACK STRAIGHT.ROUTINE D: ALTERNATE FORWARD AND REVERSE MOTION.Exercise in the forward motion for 3 to 5 minutes, then slowdown to a stop. Change to reverse motion for 1 to 3 minutes.Continue to alternate direction for the duration of your workout- between 5-20 minutes according to exercise intensity andfitness level.ALWAYS SLOW DOWN GRADUALLY TO A STOP BEFORECHANGING DIRECTION.DURATION AND RESISTANCE LEVELYou should aim to exercise for 10-20 minutes each session. Begin at lowintensity (short time & low resistance level) and build up your workout routinegradually - increase the exercise time then increase resistance.DO NOT OVER TRAIN.SHOULD YOU REQUIRE ANY ASSISTANCE REGARDING THIS PRODUCT PLEASE CONTACT YORK DIRECTLY.* *