362242-YIM-B-0109Johnson Controls Unitary Products 47FAN ON AND OFF DELAYSThe fan on and off delays can be field adjusted bypressing a combination of buttons on the UCB.• 46• Electric Heat - Press and release the COMMSETUP and LAST ERROR buttons at the sametime. The control flashes twice on the LED asthe control writes a 0 second ON and a 30second OFF fan delay to the control’s pro-gram memory.MAINTENANCENORMAL MAINTENANCEFILTERSInspect once a month. Replace disposable or clean per-manent type as necessary. DO NOT replace permanenttype with disposable. The dimensional size of the replace-ment filter must be the same as the replaced filter.MOTORSOutdoor fan motors are permanently lubricated andrequire no maintenance.Indoor Blower Motor and Drive - The indoor blowermotor features ball bearings that do not requireperiodic lubrication.On an annual basis, check the motor for accumulationsof dust, etc. that may block the cooling slots in themotor shell. Check for loose, damaged or misaligneddrive components. Check that all mounting bolts aretight. Replace defective parts as required.OUTDOOR COILDirt should not be allowed to accumulate on the out-door coil surface or other parts in the air circuit. Clean-ing should be as often as necessary to keep coil clean.Use a brush, vacuum cleaner attachment, or other suit-able means. If water is used to clean coil, be sure elec-tric power to the unit is shut off prior to cleaning.NOTE: Exercise care when cleaning the coil so thatthe coil fins are not damaged.TABLE 31: UNIT CONTROL BOARD FLASH CODESFlash Code DescriptionOn Steady Control Failure - Replace ControlHeart Beat Normal Operation1 Flash Not Applicable2 Flashes Control waiting ASCD 11. These flash codes do not represent alarms.3 Flashes HPS1 - Compressor Lock out5 Flashes LPS1 - Compressor Lock out7 Flashes FS1 - Compressor Lock out9 FlashesIgnition Control Locked Out/Ignition Control Failure / Limit Switch Trip / NoJumper Plug in Heat Section10 Flashes Compressors Locked Out On LowOutdoor Air Temperature 111 Flashes Compressors Locked Out Because TheEconomizer Is Using Free Cooling 113 Flashes Compressor Held Off Due To Low Voltage114 Flashes EEPROM Storage Failure (Control Failure)OFF No Power or Control FailurePrior to any of the following maintenance pro-cedures, shut off all electric power to the unit toprevent personal injury.Perform all maintenance operations on theblower motor with electric power disconnectedfrom the unit.