7Because of consumer demand, preservatives have been removed from many pre-prepared foods. Thistogether with the changes in shopping habits to a once-a-week shop, mean that safe handling andstorage of food is even more important than ever.The following tips should help you to ensure that the food in your home is in as perfect condition aspossible.HEALTH AND SAFETY GUIDELINESn Keep the freezer door closed as much as possible.n Do not push food together too much, try to allowair to circulate around each item.n Cool cooked food as quickly as possible but doNOT place in the freezer until cool. (Leave food ina place as cool as possible in order that it can thenbe placed in the refrigerator as soon as possible).n Do not store food uncovered.n The best way to defrost food is to put it in therefrigerator to thaw slowly.n Ensure that food placed in the freezer is dated andlabelled and used in date order to ensure that foodis consumed at its best.n It is important that food is used before its “bestbefore” date.n Always wash your hands with soapy water and drythem with a clean towel before handling food.n Keep work surfaces clean and avoid crosscontamination by not using the same work surfaceor knife, without washing them thoroughly inbetween.n The foods to be frozen must be fresh and of thebest quality.n The size of each pack should be small enough toensure that it is used in one go. Small packsfreeze more quickly and uniformly and give betterresults.n Frozen food, once thawed, must not be refrozen.Lean food keeps better and longer than fatty food,salt reduces the storage time.n Wrap the food in polythene or aluminium freezingbags or foil so that they adhere to the food andprovide an airtight seal.n Packaging which is swollen or has traces ofrefrozen water droplets on the pack could indicatethat the product has not been kept at a suitabletemperature and that it may have lost its originalquality. Partially thawed food must not be refrozen,it must be consumed within 24 hours. Neverexceed the storage time indicated.n Never place hot food, bottles or cans of fizzy drinkin the freezer as they may explode. Containerswith a lid must not be filled to the brim.n Do not open the door or place extra fresh food inthe freezer next to food which is already frozen asthis could cause the temperature of the frozenfood to rise and its quality and storage life toreduce.