F531E & F731E User ManualChapter 5 MSN MESSENGERPlease see the following steps to set up the Messenger function.1. Application of a new MSN account: You can download MSN software freely andcreate a new MSN account (camera at home) to use Microsoft Live Messenger.2. Login Account and Password: Go to Setting→Basic→Network→Messenger , setthe Messenger to “ON” . Then, login in new account and password (Camera athome).3. IP Notification: Choose “On” at the option of IP Notification. If this featureswitches On, camera will send IP notification to the users who are allowed.4. Privacy & User & Allow List: Choose “On” at the option of Privacy, then Usercolumn will appear and be able to build Allow List.5. Log in Working Account: Use your working account to login in the Messengersoftware. Then, add the new MSN account (camera at home ).12