F531E & F731E User Manual Parameter: the parameter of CGI (defined in URL of HTTP →General) is from your target device. For example, move=down. Message: message will show up in the form of Message = PTZdown. If your target device didn’t support the parameter ofmessage, you can’t see the message. So you can just take themessage as a note. For example: PTZ down.Use Alarm Buffer: Select Use alarm buffer when you forward theimage / audio of before and after the alarm detection (pre-alarm,post-alarm). If you do not select it, only the image of the moment of thealarm detection is forwarded. Click Alarm buffer to display the Alarmbuffer setting menu.Note:You can set the alarm buffer function at alarm buffer page. (Please go“Setting → Advance → Alarm buffer → Setting”) Parameter: the parameter of CGI (defined in URL ofHTTP→General) is from your target device. For example,move=down. Message: message will show up in the form of Message = PTZdown. If your target device didn’t support the parameter ofmessage, you can’t see the message. So you can just take themessage as a note. For example: PTZ down.Alarm Input: Select the connected alarm. Sensor input1: The externalsensor which is connected to sensor input1 of the alarm input.Note:You can set the alarm input function at alarm input page. (Please go“Setting → Advance → Alarm input → Setting”)55