Iron Man User Guide v. 1.4 107) Snap – If you just want a single plane, click snap and save yourimage. The PC does not have a lot of RAM – save and closeregularly.8) Z series – If you selected Z-stack in the top left, you can nowcontrol the Multidimensional Acquisition Z-stack window. Youcan choose to either set the first and last positions, or you canchoose to center the stack around a given position.- First/Last ( most common choice)o Click Liveo Turn focus knob on microscope in onedirection until desired distance isreached, click set lasto Repeat in the other direction, click setfirsto Either choose number of slices or stepsize. The software will suggest theoptimal step size. This is for Nyquistsampling - ~2 Z planes per confocalvolume, depends on pinhole size andwavelengths being used.- Centero Click Liveo Turn focus knob to get to center planeof sampleo Either choose number of slices or stepsize. The software will suggest theoptimal step size.o Click Range Select.o Move green line to approximate center of sample and redlines to desired top and bottom of sample.- Click Start Experiment. Time remaining will be shown at thebottom of the screen.- Save results.