Iron Man User Guide v. 1.4 11The Information tab next to the image – Thiscontains a lot of useful information about your image,including pixel size. You may wish to write this down inyour notes.SAVE YOUR FILES AS LSM5!!! If you want to Reusesettings and have the Info tab – it must be LSM5.You can open this in FIJI or Zeiss Zen Reader (linkson LMCF website).When you’re done -1) Save and copy your data – save as LSM file! The LMCF is not responsible for long-term datastorage. See Appendix A for information on how to transfer data to MCDB server.2) Lower stage away from sample, and remove sample from stage. Properly clean oil off of anyimmersion objectives you may have used with lens paper. If you are at all unsure of this process,ask for help!3) Leave the microscope on a low power objective for next user. If someone is signed up within the next two hours (Check the MCDBCal!):4) Switch lasers to Standby (if that option is available) or Off.5) Close Zen – confirm that lasers are in Standby or Off.6) Log use in Excel Sheet, save and close.7) Log off Windows. If no one is signed up within two hours or you are the last of the day:4) Switch lasers to Standby, then Off.5) Close Zen, confirming that lasers are all Off.6) Log use in Excel Sheet, save and close.7) Shut down system: Microscope base (#4), PC (#3, Start Shutdown), Mercury lamp (#2)8) WAIT FOR THE FANS ON THE LASERS TO SLOW/COOL DOWN. This takes a couple minutes, and theroom should sound like it did when you walked in. Then flip the two switches (#1a & 1b).