O P E R AT I O N B U T TO N F U N C T I O N SP A G E 1 0A quick listof all thebuttons onyour remoteand whatthey do.Remote Control Button Functions3373-OPRG POWERCABLE VCR AUX TVSURFENTERFLASHBK MUTECHANNELCHANNELVOLUME VOLUME1 2 34 5 6708 9MENUREWIND FFWDRECORDQUITABCCCTV/VCRSOURCEPAUSE TIMERPLAYSTOPPRG(PROGRAM)Used to beginprogramming procedure.FLASHBK(FLASHBACK)Return to the lastchannel viewed.POWERTurns TV On and Off.MUTETurns sound down (Soft) oroff (Mute) while the pictureremains.VOLUME(LEFT/RIGHT ARROWS)Adjusts the sound level onyour Entertainment Machine.NUMBER KEY PADKey-in numbers for directchannel tuning.MENUDisplays on-screen menus.Press repeatedly to cyclethrough other menus.UP/DOWN ARROWThe UP/DOWN arrowsselect options.LEFT/RIGHT ARROWThe LEFT/RIGHT arrowsadjust options.remote control part numberMBR3447TIMERDisplays the Sleep TimerMenu. See page 21 formore information.TV/VCR SOURCESwitches between watchingTV via the available sources,that is ANTENNA/CABLE andVIDEO IN.SURFActivates custom channel selectmode on your EntertainmentMachine. When Surf mode isactive, CHANNEL UP/DOWN keys”Surf” through the channelsyou’ve selected.(MODES)CABLE/VCR/AUX/TVSelects mode of operation forRemote ControlCHANNEL (UP/DOWN)Cycles through availablechannels.If your remote has NightVision Glow-In-The-Darkkeys, it must be exposed tolight before the keys willglow in the dark. Longerexposure—longer glow.Keys dedicated to VCRfunctions will still operateyour VCR while the remoteis in TV mode.Grey keys indicate that theydo not function on yourmodel of TV.ENTERShows the Channel/Timedisplay. Press after channelnumbers for instant selection.QUIT/Escape from most Menu options andtoggle between Audio features.