3373-OM E N U S AU D I O M E N U S P A G E 2 5PRGCABLE VCR AUX TVENTERFLASHBKCHANNELCHANNEL1 2 34 5 6708 9MENUREWINDRECORDABCPAUSE TIMERPLAYSTOPSURF MUTEPOWERVOLUME VOLUMEQUITCCFFWDTV/VCRSOURCEAudio MenuPress the MENU key on the remote con-trol so the Audio menu appears.Using the UP/DOWN arrows on theremote control, select the setting youwant to change. Choose from:• Bass: Increases/decreases lower-endsounds.• Treble: Increases/decreases higher-endsounds.• Balance: Allows you to put the soundmore to the left or right channel.• Audio Mode: Choose from Stereosound, Mono, or 2nd Audio/SAP.• Front Surr: Turn the front surroundsound speakers on or off.• Sound Rite: Scans for changes insound level during commercials, thenadjusts the sound to match your cur-rent level.• Speakers: Turn the regular speakerson or off.Press a RIGHT/LEFT arrow to change theoption you have selected.Use the RIGHT/LEFT arrows to adjust thesound setting to whatever you prefer.Press ENTER or QUIT to return to TVviewing, or press the UP arrow andreturn to the Audio Menu to adjustanother option.12343/45Not all programming is broadcast instereo sound, or Second AudioProgramming/SAP.QUIT toggles between Audio features.21Choosebetweenstereo sound,mono sound,or SAP.5Mini glossarySTEREO SOUND Stereo (Stereophonic) sound refers to audio that’s divided into right and left sides.MONO SOUND Mono (monaural) sound is one channel of sound. On more than one speaker all the speakers play the same audio.2ND AUDIO/SAP Second Audio Programming (SAP) is another, separate, audio channel available with some programming. Choosing SAP oftenrefers to listening to audio in another language, such as Spanish or French.