P A G E 3 0 206-3767Video MenuPress MENU, use the Up/Down arrow to select the Video menu,then press ENTER or the Right arrow.Using the Up/Down arrow on the remote control, chooseContrast (or another menu option on your screen), then pressthe Right arrow twice.Using the Left/Right arrow, change the Contrast level to yourpreference. Use the Up/Down arrow to select other adjustmentbars like Brightness, Color, Tint, and Sharpness.Press QUIT, to return to TV viewing, or press MENU and repeatfrom step two to set the other menu options. Your options are:• EZ Picture: Choose either Custom, Normal, Digital Preset,Night Time, Movie, Weak Signal, Video Game, or Sports.Custom: Allows you to adjust the picture the way you want.Normal: Resets all the options to their preset values.Other options adjust the picture to the source’s image.• Contrast: Adjusts the level of difference between white andblack in the TV picture. The more contrast, the brighter thepicture appears.• Brightness: Increases or decreases amount of white in the TVpicture.• Color: Adjusts levels of all colors in the TV picture.• Tint: Adjusts the relative amounts of red and green colors inyour picture.• Sharpness: Raises or lowers the definition of the picture. Thelower the level, the softer the image will appear.• Color Temp: Adjusts levels of all colors in the TV picture; Coolor Warm.• Z-View: On, automatically adjusts the picture display for opti-mum quality: on or off.1234Choose the NORMAL option in EZ Picture to quickly reset the Video Menuoptions to their original pre-set values, or use your own settings with CUSTOM.Use the Videomenu to cus-tomize thepicture appear-anceEZ PictureContrastBrightnessColorTintSharpnessColor TempZ-ViewVIDEOAUDIOLOCKSPECIALTIME5050507 G50RSETUPEZ ScanCh. EditDTV SignalTiltCh. LabelInput SourceSETUPVIDEOAUDIOLOCKSPECIALTIMEPRG POWERCABLE VCR AUX TVSURF-FLASHBK MUTECHANNELCHANNELVOLUME VOLUME1 2 34 5 6708 9MENUREWIND F FWDRECORDENTERSIGNALAUDIOCCQUITSOURCEPAUSE TIMERPLAYSTOPRATIO VIDEO2/3/441/41/2/4