SR25-3828VD0171B 2-3 CL - INSTALLERS MENUMODEL SERIES 34/36/39 INSTALLERS MENU (continued)20-I FEATURE LEVEL: Default set to ZEN 1 for Zenith IRremote control operation. Set O, P LBL for Zenith PrivateLabel IR remote control operation. Warning: Do not setto "0" or remote will not control TV.21-I V-CHIP: Set to 1 to activate V-Chip (Parental Con-trol), have it available for the user to filter, control orrestrict programming content. Set to 0 to turn V-Chipfeature off, not available to user; no programming re-strictions can be set.22-I MAX BLK HRS: Set from 0 to 99 for the maximum V-Chip (Parental Control) block hours. Default is 12 block-ing hours.23-I CAPTION LOCK: Zero is off, 1 is on. Set to 1 torestore previous caption On/Off state after TV turns off.When set to 0, captions are always off, when TV is ini-tially turned on.24-I TEXT MODE: Turns text mode on or off in the usersmenu. Range is 0-1. Zero is off and one is on. In onmode, user can call up text mode. Set to 0 unless text isbeing used.25-I FUNCTION PRE: (Function Menu Channel Preview)Range is 0-3. Zero is off and one is on. Set to 0 tosuppress channel preview screen in the function menuwith some pay per view systems.0 = Channel Preview disabled in function menu, caption lockenabled.1 = Channel Preview enabled in function menu, caption lockenabled.2 = Channel Preview disabled in function menu, caption lockenabled.3 = Channel Preview enabled in function menu, caption lockdisabled.Note: Item 25-I. is not used in Series 39.26-I NOT USED27-I NOT USED28-I CH OVER RIDE: Zero is off and one is on. In onmode, the TV works normally. This item is generally set tooff so it can be controlled with entertainment unit. Inoff mode, Auto Program and Channel Add/Delete do notfunction. Changing to channels not added in the favor-ites list with the keypad numbers is impossible.29-I OLD OCV: (On Command Video TM) Zero is off andone is on. Set to one for operation with "Spectramate"systems from On Command Corporation.30-I ACK MASK: Ignores the acknowledge flag that issent from the local service provider. This is used with the"Spectramate" (SN: 0583358) cable box to mask the ac-knowledge in MPI communications.M.P.I. Communication Parameter. Leave at default set-ting unless changed by Pay-Per-View provider.31-I POLL RATE: Used to adjust the polling rate in theMPI communications. Range is 20-168. M.P.I. Communi-cation Parameter. Leave at default setting unless changedby Pay-Per-View provider.32-I TIMING PULSE: Used to vary the standard width ofthe pulses in the MPI Communications.Range is 186 - 227.M.P.I. Communication Parameter. Leave at default set-ting unless changed by Pay-Per-View provider.33-I NOT USED34-I CAMPORT EN: Set to 1 to enable front Video(Camport) input. Set to 0 to disable front Video input.Enables Camport Source. Range is 0-1. Zero is disabledand 1 is enabled.35-I NOT USED.36-I NOT USED37-I REAR Y/C EN: Set to 1 to enable rear Y/C Videoinput. Set to 0 to disable rear Y/C Video input.38-I NOT USED.39-I NOT USED40-I AUTO CAMPORT: Set to 1 to automatically switchto camport when equipment is connected to front au-dio/video input.Set to 0 to disable front audio/video automatic sourceselection.41-I NOT USED42-I NOT USED43-I AUTO REAR Y/C: Set to 1 to automatically switchviewing source to Rear Y/C input when equipment is con-nected. Set to 0 to disable Rear Y/C automatic sourceselection.44-I NOT USED