Mini glossaryJACK A connection on the back of a TV, VCR, or any other A/V device. This includes the RF jack and the Audio/Video jacks that are color-coded.SIGNAL Picture and sound traveling through cable, or on the air, to your television screen.P A G E 6 206-3583Rear Audio/Video JacksVIDEO 2INPUTVIDEO 1INPUTS-VIDEOINMONITOROUTYP BPRDVD/HI RESCOMP VIDEO INANT/CABLE2INPUT ANT/CABLE1INPUTDTV/RFANTENNAINPUTRLRLRLS-VIDEOOUTCALIBRATIONS-VIDEOINAUDIOINVIDEO(MONO)(MONO)VIDEOLOOP OUTVARIABLEAUDIO OUTDOLBY DIGITALAUDIOCENTER MODEINRLRLHD DBS/VGA IN(R, G, B, Sync)AUDIOIN G-LINKINDVD/ HI RESHD DBS/ VGAOUTS-VIDEO InA connectionavailable withsome high-endequipment thatprovides evenbetter picturequality forVideo 1.Variable OutUsed to connecteither an exter-nal amplifier, oradd a sub-woofer to yoursurround soundsystem.RF Connectors: Antenna/Cable 1,Antenna/Cable 2, and Loop OutUsed to connect analog cable orantenna signals to the television,either directly or through your cablebox.Left/Right AudioUsed for stereo soundfrom various types ofequipment.Video 1 or 2Connects thevideo signals fromvarious types ofequipment.Y, Pb, PrDVD Component Videoand HD ComponentVideoSome top-of-the-line DVDplayers use what iscalled “component video,”for extremely accuratepicture reproduction.Refer to your DVD manualfor further information.Connecting cables to your Entertainment Machine.RF Connectors: Digital TVInputUsed to connect antenna sig-nals to the television.Note: A signal splitter will benecessary if you plan to useyour antenna for both digitaland analog reception.Monitor OutConnects to asecond TV orMonitor.Left/Right AudioUsed for stereosound from varioustypes of equipment.Dolby Digital OutConnects to a DolbyDigital A/V receiver.VGA and DBSInputUsed to connectfrom an VGAsource or DBSSatellite system.G-Link:Used for con-necting toGemstar equip-ment.DolbyDigital InConnects toa DolbyDigital out-put fromDVD or Hi-Res compo-nent.DolbyDigital InConnects toa DolbyDigital out-put from HDDBS system.Center Mode InConnect to externalDolby Digital Center“preamp output.”VGA and DBSAudio InputUsed in audioconnections forVGA and DBSinput.