IndexRemove the old thumb turn on yourdoor, but please keep the screws thatheld it for later use.In the box you will find 2 tailpieceextenders for flat and squaretailpieces, making your danalockfit most deadbolts.Now fasten the baseplatewith the screws that originally held the thumb turn andcylinder piece.ImpdooextextClick the lid off your danalock with yournails, or loosen the lid by gently turninga screwdriver in the slot at the rim ofthe shell.Place your danalock on the base, besure the cylinder tailpiece fits in thecenter.Fasten the 3 base-screws.The danalock coguarantee that yand the danalockLoosen the 3 base-screws placed right underneath theprinted circuit board with a screwdriver.Remove the old thumb turn on yourdoor, but please keep the screws thatheld it for later use.In the box you will find 2 tailpieceextenders for flat and squaretailpieces, making your danalockfit most deadbolts.Now fasten the baseplatewith the screws that originally held the thumb turn andcylinder piece.Important! The cylinder tailpiece have to align with thedoor surface. Extend the tailpiece with one of the twoextenders before you mount the baseplate. The tailpieceextender should stick out 10 mm from the baseplate.Click the lid off your danalock with yournails, or loosen the lid by gently turninga screwdriver in the slot at the rim ofthe shell.Place your danalock on the base, besure the cylinder tailpiece fits in thecenter.Fasten the 3 base-screws. Click the lid back on. Now Yourdanalock is now ready for use.10 mmalign withthe doorsurfaceThe danalock comes with batteries inserted, but a thin plastic folioguarantee that your new danalock is fully charged. Remove the folioand the danalock lits up with a green light for 5-10 seconds.Loosen the 3 base-screws placed right underneath theprinted circuit board with a screwdriver.Fasten the 3 base-screws. CldaMyLock App: Download from App Store and Google Play10Installing the danalockapp on iOSTo install the DanalockApp go to App Store onyour smartphone.Search for the app“Danalock”.Hit the downloadbutton to installthe danalock app.Bluetooth SmartTechnology issupported byiPhones from4S - 4S, 5, 5S,5C, 6. and iOS8NOTE: When usingiOS7 or older, be sureto desable locationservices when launchingthe Application.Note: If you want to use the Auto unlock or Knock to unlock feature on youriphone, a warning will occur asking you to activate location services.This is done in your iPhone settings - under privacy.You will also have to activate Background updates, if you want to use Autounlock and Knock to unlock with your phone. Do this in your iPhone settingsunder general, by activating ”Background App Refresh”.Installing the danalockapp on AndroidTo install theDanalock App goto Google Store onyour smartphone.Search for theapp “Danalock”.Hit the downloadbutton to installthe danalock app.danalock works withAndroid 4,4 or newersmartphones withBluetooth SmartTechnology.