IndexRemove the old thumb turn on yourdoor, but please keep the screws thatheld it for later use.In the box you will find 2 tailpieceextenders for flat and squaretailpieces, making your danalockfit most deadbolts.Now fasten the baseplatewith the screws that originally held the thumb turn andcylinder piece.ImpdooextextClick the lid off your danalock with yournails, or loosen the lid by gently turninga screwdriver in the slot at the rim ofthe shell.Place your danalock on the base, besure the cylinder tailpiece fits in thecenter.Fasten the 3 base-screws.The danalock coguarantee that yand the danalockLoosen the 3 base-screws placed right underneath theprinted circuit board with a screwdriver.danalock installation:Remove thecurrent door lock 02Power up the lock 03Mounting thebackplate on the door 04Using thetailpiece extenders 05Mounting your danalockto the backplate 06Lock/unlock doorwith the User button 07Inclusion mode 08danalock App:Download from App Storeand Google Play 10Create a user 11Create user profile 12Adding a new lock 13Install new lock 14Refresh key 15Lock/Unlock 16Sharing keys with others 17Accessing lock settings 18Lock settings 19Get current battery status 20Bluetooth settings 21Special for iOSAuto unlock 22Auto unlock 23Activate Auto unlock 24Auto unlock Ad-ons 25Knock to unlock 26Knock to unlock add-ons 2701