Remove the old thumb turn on yourdoor, but please keep the screws thatheld it for later use.In the box you will find 2 tailpieceextenders for flat and squaretailpieces, making your danalockfit most deadbolts.Now fasten the baseplatewith the screws that originally held the thumb turn andcylinder piece.ImpdooextextClick the lid off your danalock with yournails, or loosen the lid by gently turninga screwdriver in the slot at the rim ofthe shell.Place your danalock on the base, besure the cylinder tailpiece fits in thecenter.Fasten the 3 base-screws.The danalock coguarantee that yand the danalockLoosen the 3 base-screws placed right underneath theprinted circuit board with a screwdriver.Sharing keyswith othersTo share access withothers, you need toopen the lock menu.Press the first icon.Do this by swiping the key from rightto left (using your finger).You now have to decide if you want tosend a permanent or a temporaryaccess to your home.The key will be permanent if you don’tinsert dates in the calendar boxes.If you write date and time in thecalendar boxes, the key will only workin the period you specify. You can sendyour key-invitation as a SMS, email orvia the danalock server.The recipient will recive an e-mailfrom the Danalock team explainingwhat to do next.17danalock App: Sharing keys with othersIndex