IndexRemove the old thumb turn on yourdoor, but please keep the screws thatheld it for later use.In the box you will find 2 tailpieceextenders for flat and squaretailpieces, making your danalockfit most deadbolts.Now fasten the baseplatewith the screws that originally held the thumb turn andcylinder piece.ImpdooextextClick the lid off your danalock with yournails, or loosen the lid by gently turninga screwdriver in the slot at the rim ofthe shell.Place your danalock on the base, besure the cylinder tailpiece fits in thecenter.Fasten the 3 base-screws.The danalock coguarantee that yand the danalockLoosen the 3 base-screws placed right underneath theprinted circuit board with a screwdriver.Create a userAfter you have installedthe Danalock app onyour smartphone,please open it.The first time you usethe app you are asked togive your Phone a name.danalock App: Create a user11Enter a name and click “OK”The next page you will see isthe Login Page. Before youcan login to the system youwill have to create a user.Click the link“Create new user”.