VersaMail® application 35CHAPTER 3 Getting and Reading MessagesViewing and using the Reminders screenThe Reminders screen on your device shows info about new email messages. It also shows alertsfrom other applications, such as Calendar appointments.To view the Reminders screen, select the blinking asterisk when it appears in the upper-leftcorner of any screen.You can do any of the following:• Check the box to clear a reminder from the list.• Select the reminder (either the mail icon or the text description) to go to the Inbox of thataccount or to read a detailed error message.2 Select alert options:a. Check the Alert me of new mailbox.b. Select the Alert Sound picklist, and then select a sound.The device plays a brief demoof the sound.c. To receive alerts of successful Auto Sync retrievals only, uncheck the Alertme of failures box. Leave the box checked if you want to receive alerts forboth successful and failed Auto Sync retrievals.d. Select OK.DoneDid You Know?If you are in the Inbox andan Auto Sync downloadsnew messages, thosemessages do not appearon the Remindersscreen—since you canalready view them in theInbox.