Defining Spanning Tree 131Global Setting ■ Spanning Tree State — Indicates whether STP is enabled on thedevice. The possible field values are:■ Classic — Enables STP on the device.■ RSTP — Enables RSTP on the device.■ Disable — Disables STP and RSTP on the device.■ BPDU Handling — Determines how BPDU packets are managedwhen STP is disabled on the port or device. BPDUs are used totransmit spanning tree information. The possible field values are:■ Filtering — Filters BPDU packets when spanning tree is disabled onan interface. This is the default value.■ Flooding — Floods BPDU packets when spanning tree is disabledon an interface.■ Path Cost Default Values — Specifies the method used to assigndefault path cost to STP ports. The possible field values are:■ Short — Specifies 1 through 65,535 range for port path cost. Thisis the default value.■ Long — Specifies 1 through 200,000,000 range for port path cost.The default path cost assigned to an interface varies according tothe selected method (Hello Time, Max Age, or Forward Delay).Bridge Setting ■ Priority — Specifies the bridge priority value. When switches orbridges are running STP, each is assigned a priority. After exchangingBPDUs, the device with the lowest priority value becomes the RootBridge. The field range is 0-61440. The default value is 32768. Theport priority value is provided in increments of 4096.■ Hello Time — Specifies the device Hello Time. The Hello Timeindicates the amount of time in seconds a Root Bridge waits betweenconfiguration messages. The default is 2 seconds.■ Max Age — Specifies the device Maximum Age Time. The MaximumAge Time is the amount of time in seconds a bridge waits beforesending configuration messages. The default Maximum Age Time is20 seconds.■ Forward Delay — Specifies the device Forward Delay Time. TheForward Delay Time is the amount of time in seconds a bridge remainsin a listening and learning state before forwarding packets. Thedefault is 15 seconds.