144 CHAPTER 13: CONFIGURING QUALITY OF S ERVICEDefining CoS The CoS Setup Page contains information for enabling QoS globally.Monitor users have no access to this page.To configure CoS Settings:1 Click Device > QoS > CoS Setup. The CoS Setup Page opens:Figure 77 CoS Setup PageThe CoS Setup Page contains the following fields:■ QoS Mode — Determines the QoS mode on the device:■ Disable — Disables QoS on the device.■ Enable — Enables QoS on the device.■ Select Port(s) — Indicates the ports to be configured.■ Set Default — Sets the default user priority. The possible field valuesare 0-7. The default CoS value is 0. With the default settings, 0 is thelowest and 7 is the highest priority.■ Restore Default — Restores the device factory defaults for CoSvalues.2 Define the fields.3 Click Apply. CoS is enabled on the device, and the device is updated.