200 APPENDIX E: 3C OM CLI R EFERENCE GUIDEipSetup The ipSetup command allows the user to define an IP address on thedevice either manually or via a DHCP server.SyntaxipSetup [dhcp| ip-address mask [default-gateway ip-address]]Parameters■ dhcp — Specifies the IP address is acquired automatically from theDynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server.■ ip-address mask— Specifies that the IP address and defaultgateway are configured manually by the user (Range: - ConfigurationNo default IP address is defined for interfaces.User GuidelinesIP Addresses configured beyond the range of are defined asmulticast, experimental or broadcast addresses.If a default gateway is configured manually, the IP-address and mask arerequired to be the same as the gateway-address and mask.ExampleThe following example displays an IP address configured manually:The following example displays an IP address obtained via a DHCP server:ipSetup DHCP