4 ABOUT THIS GUIDE■ Aggregating Ports — Provides information for configuring LinkAggregation which optimizes port usage by linking a group of portstogether to form a single LAG.■ Configuring VLANs — Provides information for configuring VLANs.VLANs are logical subgroups with a Local Area Network (LAN) whichcombine user stations and network devices into a single virtual LANsegment, regardless of the physical LAN segment to which they areattached.■ Configuring IP and MAC Address Information — Providesinformation for configuring IP addresses, DHCP and ARP.■ Configuring IGMP Snooping — Provides information forconfiguring IGMP Snooping.■ Configuring Spanning Tree — Provides information for configuringClassic and Rapid Spanning Tree.■ Configuring SNMP — Provides information for configuring theSimple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) which provides amethod for managing network devices.■ Configuring Quality of Service — Provides information definingQuality of Service, including DSCP and CoS mapping, policies, andconfiguring Trust mode.■ Managing System Files — Provides information for defining filemaintenance.■ Managing System Logs — Provides information for viewing systemlogs, and configuring device log servers.■ Viewing Statistics — Provides information for viewing RMON andinterface statistics.■ Managing Device Diagnostics — Provides information formanaging device diagnostics.