54 CHAPTER 3: C ONFIGURING A WX S WITCH FOR BASIC S ERVICEThese commands copy the PKCS #12 object file from a TFTP server to theWX switch, configure a one-time password, and install the PKCS #12object file. The password allows the public-private key pair and thecertificate to be installed together from the same object file. MSSremoves the password after completing the crypto pkcs12 command.Installing a Certificate for Network Users from a PKCS #7 ObjectFileTo generate a public-private key pair, and request and install a certificateassigned by a CA in a PKCS #7 object file, use the following commands:crypto generate key eap {1024 | 2048}crypto generate request eapcrypto certificate eap PEM-formatted-certificateAfter you submit the certificate request to a CA and receive a signedcertificate from the CA as a PKCS #7 object file, install the certificate intothe WX switch’s certificate and key store:1 Open the PKCS #7 object file with an ASCII text editor (such as Notepad).2 Type the crypto certificate eap command at the WX switch’s commandprompt.3 After the prompt, paste the PKCS #7 object file into the CLI. For example:WX1200# crypto certificate eapEnter PEM-encoded certificate-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIGDDCCBbagAwIBAgIKFrJ2aAAAAAAAnDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADCBmzErMCkGCSqGSIb3DQEJARYcYWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvckB0cmFwZXplc3FhLmNvbTELMAkGA1UE...bDQNTaS4W0ytUGuJm1RjyA==-----END CERTIFICATE-----You must paste the entire block, from the beginning:-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- to the end:-----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----. The certificate server and MSSrecognize the block only through the beginning and ending delimiters.