74 CHAPTER 3: C ONFIGURING A WX S WITCH FOR BASIC S ERVICEset {ap port-list | dap dap-num} radio {1 | 2}antennatype {ANT1060 | ANT1120 | ANT1180}To enable or disable RF Auto-Tuning for channel or power assignment,use the following commands:set radio-profile name auto-tune channel-config{enable | disable}set radio-profile name auto-tune power-config{enable | disable}Applying a Radio Profile to Radios and Enabling the RadiosTo apply a radio profile to radios, use the following command:set {ap port-list | dap dap-num} radio {1 | 2} radio-profilename mode {enable | disable}The following commands applies radio profile rp1 to radio 1 on MAPaccess ports 1, 2, and 4 and on Distributed MAP 1 and Distributed MAP 2and enables the radios:WX1200# set ap 1,2,4 radio 1 radio-profile rp1 mode enablesuccess: change accepted.WX1200# set dap 1,2 radio 1 radio-profile rp1 mode enablesuccess: change accepted.The following command applies radio profile rp1 to radio 2 on MAPaccess ports 1, 2, and 4 and on Distributed MAP 1 and enables theradios:WX1200# set ap 1,2,4 radio 2 radio-profile rp1 mode enablesuccess: change accepted.WX1200# set dap 1 radio 2 radio-profile rp1 mode enablesuccess: change accepted.Displaying Radio Configuration InformationTo verify radio configuration changes, use the following commands:display ap config [port-list [radio {1 | 2}]]display dap config [dap-num [radio {1 | 2}]]