Enabling TLS on a Web Browser and Logging In to Web View 55Installing a Certificate Authority’s Certificate for Network UsersIn addition to installing the WX switch certificate issued by the CA, youalso need to install the CA’s own certificate into the WX switch’scertificate and key store. The CA certificate allows users to verify that theWX switch’s certificate is valid. You need to install the CA’s certificatewhether you installed the switch certificate from a PKCS #7 object file ora PKCS #12 object file.To install a CA’s certificate:1 Request a copy of the CA certificate as a PKCS #7 object file from the CA,then open the file with an ASCII text editor (such as Notepad).2 Type the crypto ca-certificate eap command.3 After the prompt, paste the PKCS #7 object file into the CLI. For example:WX1200# crypto ca-certificate eapEnter PEM-encoded certificate-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIDwDCCA2qgAwIBAgIQL2jvuu4P05FAQICyewU3ojANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADCBmzErMCkGCSqGSIb3DQEJARYcYWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvckB0cmFwZXplc3FhLmNvbTEL...RGpOeQ==-----END CERTIFICATE-----Displaying CertificateInformation forNetwork UsersUse the following command to display certificate information for networkusers:display crypto certificate eapEnabling TLS on aWeb Browser andLogging In toWeb ViewUse the procedure in this section if you plan to use Web Manager tocontinue configuring the switch. Otherwise, skip this section and go to“Specifying the Country of Operation”.