78 CHAPTER 3: C ONFIGURING A WX S WITCH FOR BASIC S ERVICEThis section provides examples for configuring Protected EAP withMicrosoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol version 2(PEAP-MS-CHAP-V2) authentication for 802.1X users, in pass-throughand offload configurations. (For information about configuring otherauthentication types, see the Wireless LAN Switch and ControllerConfiguration Guide.)VLANs and Users For each user, an attribute must be set in the local database or on aRADIUS server to assign the user to a VLAN. This is true regardless of theauthentication type you use. You can use either of the followingattributes to assign a user to a VLAN:■ Tunnel-Private-Group-ID—This attribute is described in RFC 2868,RADIUS Attributes for Tunnel Protocol Support.■ VLAN-Name—This attribute is a 3Com vendor-specific attribute (VSA).You cannot configure the Tunnel-Private-Group-ID attribute in the localuser database.Specify the VLAN name, not the VLAN number. The examples in thischapter assume the VLAN is assigned on a RADIUS server with either ofthe valid attributes.Other RADIUS attributes and VSAs are optional. (For information about3Com VSAs, see the Wireless LAN Switch and Controller ConfigurationGuide.)ConfiguringPass-ThroughAuthenticationTo configure a WX switch to use a group of RADIUS servers to perform alluser authentication:1 Configure the RADIUS servers and add them to a server group. You mustconfigure a server group even if you have only one server. (See“Configuring RADIUS Servers for Pass-Through Authentication” onpage 79.)2 Set the authentication protocol to pass-through. Pass-throughauthentication does not require local user information or user certificateson the WX switch. (See “Configuring the Authentication Protocol forPass-Through Authentication” on page 80.)Figure 10 shows an example of pass-through user authentication.