116 CHAPTER 6: U SING RF P LANNING4 In the Network Plan Name box, type a name for the network plan. Youcan use 1 to 60 alphanumeric characters, with no spaces, tabs, or any ofthe following: slash (/), backslash (\), quotation marks (“ ”), asterisk (*),question mark (?), angle brackets (< >), or vertical bar (|).5 In the Country Code list, select the country where the network is to bedeployed.You must select a country code before continuing.6 In the Channel Set list, select the set of operating channels for any802.11b/g MAP radios you plan to use.The choices in the list are dependent on the country code you chose instep 5. The channel numbers you select are used later in the planningprocess when you assign channels to 802.11b/g radios.You might be able to select a set of overlapping channels. However, insome network layouts, using overlapping channels reduces networkperformance.Channel numbers used for 802.11a radios do not overlap and are notlisted at this stage of the planning process You can modify channelselections for 802.11a and 802.11b/g radios later in the planning processor allow WX switches to set the channels automatically.