Configure Guest Access Services 69Configure GuestAccess ServicesGuest access is access for visitors at your location and is typically clear (noencryption).This section contains the following information about how to configureGuest access services: “Task Table” on page 70 “Step Summary” on page 71 “Optional: Configure Mobility Profiles” on page 73Table 11 on page 70 contains the tasks you must perform to configureGuest access services.The “Step Summary” provides the configurable options you should set.The table contains references to the section “Example: ConfigureEmployee Access” on page 57. The references are provided in case youwant to refer back to detailed steps. However, be sure to use theconfigurable options for Guest access services set forth in the “StepSummary” on page 71.Also, you can optionally configure mobility profiles for your Guest accessservices to limit access based on criteria, such as RF coverage area or timeof day.