68 CHAPTER 3: C ONFIGURING WIRELESS SERVICES4 Click Next. The VLAN Member Selection page is displayed.5 From the Available Members pane, select the network ports that will beused to reach the router interface and click Add. If the network port is an 802.1Q tagged trunk link, select the Tagcheckbox for the port or port group. By default, the checkbox is notselected. To remove a tag for a port or port. Double-click the Tag Value columnfor the port or port group. Change the tag value.If you specify a tag value, 3Com recommends that you use the samevalue as the VLAN number. 3Com wireless switches do not require theVLAN number and tag value to be the same, but other devices may do so.6 (Optional) If you want to add STP to a VLAN, select the Spanning Treetab and set options.7 (Optional) For STP, select the Spanning Tree Port Setup tab and setoptions.What’s Next? After you create Employee services, you can create additional services.For information about configuring additional services, refer to: “Configure Guest Access Services” on page 69 “Configure Voice over Wireless IP Service” on page 77After you have created additional services, you can create your RFenvironment, and deploy your configuration and enable monitoring.For information about creating your RF environment, refer to: “Using RF Auto-Tuning” on page 91 “Using RF Auto-Tuning with Modelling” on page 99 “Using RF Planning” on page 113For information about deploying your configuration and enablingmonitoring your network, refer to: “Managing and Monitoring Your Network” on page 143.