152 CHAPTER 7: MANAGING AND MONITORING YOUR NETWORK3 To replace existing WX switch information in 3WXM with informationfrom the configuration file, select Overwrite Existing WX Switches.4 Click Select Files. The Select Files To Import dialog box appears.5 Select one or more configuration files to be imported. To make multipleselections, press Shift (for contiguous items) or Control (fornoncontiguous items) while clicking items.6 Click Select Files To Import. The file or files you selected appear in theFile Import Results list.To remove all the files you previously selected, click Clear Files.7 Click Import. The status of the import process appears in the Statuscolumn.8 Click Close to save the changes.9 Enable 3WXM to manage the switch.a Right-click the WX switch icon in the Organizer panel. Select Edit.The Modify Switch wizard is displayed.b Select Managed and click Finish.c Deploy your configuration (see “Deploy Your Configuration” onpage 144).To export a configuration:1 Select File > Export. The Export Configurations dialog box appears.2 In the Export From list, select the Mobility Domain whose configurationyou want to export.3 If you want to export the configuration file to a different directory, clickthe Choose button, which is labeled with the current output directory.The Select dialog box appears. Navigate to the directory you want to useas the output directory, and click Select.4 To overwrite previously exported configuration files, selectOverwrite Existing Files.If you do not select this option, you cannot export a configuration filewith the same name as an existing file in the output directory. You canrename the existing file or move the file to another directory.5 To have 3WXM create a backup copy of a previous configuration file,select Copy Files Before Overwriting.