3 INSTALLING THE SWITCH 4007This chapter contains the following topics:n Site Requirements for the Switch 4007n Preinstallation Guidelinesn Installing the ChassisFigure 16 summarizes the installation procedure.For a Switch 4007 starter kit, you can simplifythe installation proceedure because the chassis ispre-configured with one power supply, onemanagement module, one switch fabric module,and two interface modules.Figure 16 Switch 4007 Installation ProcedureInstall the Chassis andOptional Devices• Chapter 3 (In this guide)3Install a Power Supply•7-Slot Chassis Power SupplyInstallation Guide4Install a Power Cable•7-Slot Chassis Power SupplyInstallation Guide5Install a Switch FabricModule• Switch fabric module quickstart or getting started guides• Switch fabric moduleuser guides (if available) 7Install Interface Modules• Interface module quick start orgetting started guides• Interface module user guides(if available)8Determine Site Requirements• Chapter 3 (In this guide)1Troubleshoot Problems•Command Reference Guide•Implementation Guide11Administer and Operatethe Switch•Command Reference Guide•Implementation Guide12Configure the Switch forManagement•Command Reference Guide•Implementation Guide10Unpack the Switch 4007Chassis• “Unpacking Instructions”(In this guide)2Install an EME ManagementModule•Enterprise Management EngineQuick Start Guide6Switch 4007Power On the Switch• Chapter 4 (In this guide)9123456789