3Com Corporation LIMITED WARRANTYSwitch 4007HARDWARE3Com warrants to the end user (“Customer”) that this hardware product will be freefrom defects in workmanship and materials, under normal use and service, for one (1)year from the date of purchase from 3Com or its authorized reseller.3Com’s sole obligation under this express warranty shall be, at 3Com’s option andexpense, to repair the defective product or part, deliver to Customer an equivalentproduct or part to replace the defective item, or if neither of the two foregoing optionsis reasonably available, 3Com may, in its sole discretion, refund to Customer thepurchase price paid for the defective product. All products that are replaced willbecome the property of 3Com. Replacement products may be new or reconditioned.3Com warrants any replaced or repaired product or part for ninety (90) days fromshipment, or the remainder of the initial warranty period, whichever is longer.S OFTWARE3Com warrants to Customer that each software program licensed from it will performin substantial conformance to its program specifications, for a period of ninety (90) daysfrom the date of purchase from 3Com or its authorized reseller. 3Com warrants themedia containing software against failure during the warranty period. 3Com’s soleobligation under this express warranty shall be, at 3Com’s option and expense, torefund the purchase price paid by Customer for any defective software product, or toreplace any defective media with software which substantially conforms to applicable3Com published specifications. Customer assumes responsibility for the selection of theappropriate applications program and associated reference materials. 3Com makes nowarranty or representation that its software products will meet Customer’srequirements or work in combination with any hardware or applications softwareproducts provided by third parties, that the operation of the software products will beuninterrupted or error free, or that all defects in the software products will be corrected.For any third-party products listed in the 3Com software product documentation orspecifications as being compatible, 3Com will make reasonable efforts to providecompatibility, except where the noncompatibility is caused by a “bug” or defect in thethird party’s product or from use of the software product not in accordance with3Com’s published specifications or user manual.THIS 3COM PRODUCT MAY INCLUDE OR BE BUNDLED WITH THIRD-PARTY SOFTWARE,THE USE OF WHICH IS GOVERNED BY A SEPARATE END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT.THIS 3COM WARRANTY DOES NOT APPLY TO SUCH THIRD-PARTY SOFTWARE. FORTHE APPLICABLE WARRANTY, PLEASE REFER TO THE END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENTGOVERNING THE USE OF SUCH SOFTWARE.YEAR 2000 WARRANTYIn addition to the Hardware Warranty and Software Warranty stated above, 3Comwarrants that each product sold or licensed to Customer on and after January 1, 1998,that is date sensitive will continue performing properly with regard to such date data onand after January 1, 2000, provided that all other products used by Customer inconnection or combination with the 3Com product, including hardware, software, andfirmware, accurately exchange date data with the 3Com product, with the exception ofthose products identified at 3Com’s Web site,http://www.3com.com/products/yr2000.html, as not meeting this standard. If it appearsthat any product that is stated to meet this standard does not perform properly withregard to such date data on and after January 1, 2000, and Customer notifies 3Combefore the later of April 1, 2000, or ninety (90) days after purchase of the product from3Com or its authorized reseller, 3Com shall, at its option and expense, provide asoftware update which would effect the proper performance of such product, repairsuch product, deliver to Customer an equivalent product to replace such product, or, ifnone of the foregoing is feasible, refund to Customer the purchase price paid for suchproduct.Any software update or replaced or repaired product will carry a Year 2000 Warrantyfor ninety (90) days after purchase or until April 1, 2000, whichever is later.OBTAINING WARRANTY S ERVICECustomer must contact a 3Com Corporate Service Center or an Authorized 3ComService Center within the applicable warranty period to obtain warranty serviceauthorization. Dated proof of purchase from 3Com or its authorized reseller may berequired. Products returned to 3Com’s Corporate Service Center must be preauthorizedby 3Com with a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number or User Service Order(USO) number marked on the outside of the package, and sent prepaid and packagedappropriately for safe shipment, and it is recommended that they be insured or sent bya method that provides for tracking of the package. Responsibility for loss or damagedoes not transfer to 3Com until the returned item is received by 3Com. The repaired orreplaced item will be shipped to Customer, at 3Com’s expense, not later than thirty (30)days after 3Com receives the defective product.3Com shall not be responsible for any software, firmware, information, or memory dataof Customer contained in, stored on, or integrated with any products returned to 3Comfor repair, whether under warranty or not.Dead- or Defective-on-Arrival. In the event a product completely fails to function orexhibits a defect in materials or workmanship within the first forty-eight (48) hours ofinstallation but no later than thirty (30) days after the date of purchase, and this isverified by 3Com, it will be considered dead- or defective-on-arrival (DOA) and areplacement shall be provided by advance replacement. The replacement product willnormally be shipped not later than three (3) business days after 3Com’s verification ofthe DOA product, but may be delayed due to export or import procedures. Theshipment of advance replacement products is subject to local legal requirements andmay not be available in all locations.