48 CHAPTER 5: MANAGEMENT TOOLSSetting Up the Form-specific Help FilesTo access Help, install the Help files on yourworkstation using Help Files Install or Typical in theinstallation wizard. See “Windows Installation” or“UNIX Help Installation”.The first time that you access Help, the systemdisplays the Help configuration form.To configure the location of the Help files:1 In the banner of the Web Management openingscreen, select the Help tab.The Help Server configuration form appears.2 In the Help Installation URL box of the form, type theURL for the Help files. Do not end the URL with aslash (/) character.3 Click Apply.The system displays a message that the configurationhas been successful.4 To link the Help to Web Management on the Web-Console opening screen, select any item in the menutree and then click the Help button on the form.Help is now configured for your system.5 To access Help on any form, click the form’s Help but-ton.The banner at the top of each Help page and the rowof links at the bottom of each Help page provideaccess to the Start page (containing Web Manage-ment overview information), Contents, Index, Techni-cal Support, and the 3Com Corporation home page.Embedded Web Management ApplicationsYou can access these embedded Web Managementapplications from the Tabs panel of the openingscreen (Figure 21):n WebConsole (including configuration forms andwizards)n DeviceViewn Help configuration form and 3Com support linksFigure 21 Parts of the Web Management Opening ScreenThe Switch 4007 software and managementinterfaces are based on CoreBuilder ® 9000 switchtechnology. In Switch 4007 software releases 3.0.0and 3.0.5, the prompts and displays in all interfacesmay indicate this heritage.