Web Management Tools 49Interface DescriptionThe screen for the embedded Web Managementapplications is divided into three areas (Figure 21):n Tabs panel — At the top of the WebManagement screen, the Tabs panel has threetabs:n WebConsole tab — When you select this tab,the menu tree lists folders for the parametersthat you can configure for the device to whichyou are connected.n DeviceView tab — When you select this tab,you see an image of the device. You can config-ure some system and module parameters fromthis view.n Help tab — When you select this tab, themenu tree lists the Help configuration form andseveral links to 3Com support sites. The menutree also displays links to the Help Contents andIndex. Until you install and configure Help,these links connect you to the Help configura-tion form.n Menu tree — The menu tree frame at the left ofthe interface lists the menu options. Many of theseoptions are the same as those found in theAdministration Console command line interface.n Configuration form icons — Click a folder toview the menu options, which appear as config-uration form icons. Click a form icon to view theassociated form in the workspace.n Telnet icons — To configure system parametersthat are not supported through the WebCon-sole, click a Telnet icon on the menu tree tolaunch a Telnet session to the AdministrationConsole on the device.n Workspace — The workspace frame of theinterface displays the configuration form for themenu option that you select.TroubleshootingThis section covers the following topics:n Web Management and Internet Explorern Improving DeviceViewn Improving DeviceView Download Speedn Enabling Status Log E-mail Options on InternetExplorern Web Management and Netscape Navigatorn Troubleshooting the Web Management Softwaren Examples of Good and Problematic CLASSPATHSettingsn Additional Resources for Solving Problems