294 CHAPTER 8: U SING QOS/ACL COMMANDSThis command is used for displaying the traffic priority settings. The informationdisplayed includes the ACL corresponding to the traffic tagged with priority,priority type and value.Related command: traffic-priority.ExampleDisplay the traffic priority settings.display qos-interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1 traffic-priorityGigabitEthernet1/0/1: traffic-priorityInbound:Matches: Acl 2000 rule 1 runningPriority action: cos best-effortdisplay qos-interfacetraffic-redirectSyntaxdisplay qos-interface {interface-name | interface-typeinterface-num | unit-id } traffic-redirectViewAny viewParameterinterface-name | interface-type interface-num: Interface of the Switch,for more information, refer to the port command in this manual.unit-id: Unit ID of the Switch.DescriptionUse the display qos-interface traffic-redirect command to view thesettings of the redirection parameters. The displayed content includes thecorresponding ACLs of the traffic to be redirected, the redirected interfaces, andso on.Related conmmand: traffic-redirect.ExampleDisplay the redirection parameter configuration.display qos-interface gigabitethernet1/0/1 traffic-redirectGigabitEthernet1/0/1: traffic-redirectInbound:Matches: Acl 2000 rule 1 runningRedirected to: interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2display qos-interfacetraffic-statisticSyntaxdisplay qos-interface {interface-name | interface-typeinterface-num | unit-id } traffic-statisticViewAll views