370 CHAPTER 11: USING AAA AND RADIUS C OMMANDSParameterradius-scheme-name: Specifies a RADIUS scheme, with a character string notexceeding 32 characters.DescriptionUse the radius-scheme command to configure the RADIUS scheme used by thecurrent ISP domain.This command is used to specify the RADIUS scheme for the current ISP domain.The specified RADIUS scheme shall have been created.Related commands: radius scheme, display radius.ExampleThe following example designates the current ISP domain, marlboro.net, to usethe RADIUS server, Radserver.system-viewSystem View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z.[SW5500]domain marlboro.net[SW5500-isp-marlboro.net]radius-scheme Radserverscheme Syntaxscheme { radius-schemeradius-scheme-name [ local ] | local | none }undo scheme { radius-scheme | none }ViewISP Domain ViewParameterradius-scheme-name: RADIUS scheme, a character string not exceeding 32characters.local: Local authentication.none: No authentication.DescriptionUse the scheme command to configure the AAA scheme to be referenced by thecurrent ISP domain. Use the undo scheme command to restore the default AAAscheme.The default AAA scheme is local.When using scheme radius-schemeradius-scheme-name local in theconfiguration command, the local refers to the alternative authenticationscheme if the RADIUS server does not respond normally. That is, when the RADIUSserver operates normally, the local scheme is not used; otherwise, the local schemeis used. When using scheme radius-schemeradius-scheme-name (withoutlocal), the local scheme does not work when there is no normal response