Points to Note when using the WX1200 and WX4400 13■ Use an enable password that follows the passwordrecommendations given above.■ Use a CA-signed certificate instead of a self-signedcertificate on the WX switch.If a user’s client does not trust the certificate, the usermight experience an additional delay during login. Toavoid the additional delay, use a certificate signed byyour CA or an Internet CA.3WXMBy default, access to 3WXM and the 3WXM monitor-ing service do not require passwords. To secureaccess, configure user accounts within each instanceof 3WXM and the monitoring service.The monitoring service uses a signed certificate forauthentication. The monitoring service has aself-signed certificate by default. For added security,used a certificate signed by a CA instead. To use aCA-signed certificate, install the certificate in a keystore file on the machine where the monitoring ser-vice is installed, and change the name of the key storefile used by the monitoring service from its default tothe one where you installed the certificate signed bythe CA.Communication between the WX Switch and 3WXMor Web ManagerAdministration certificate requirement (11974)Before the WX switch can communicate successfullywith 3WXM, you must create an administrativeencryption certificate on the WX switch. For details,see the Wireless LAN Switch and Controller Installa-tion and Basic Configuration Guide.Mobility Domain™ (Multiple WX Switch) BestPracticesRun the same MSS version on all WX switches inthe Mobility Domain.3Com recommends that you run the same MSS ver-sion on all the WX switches in a Mobility Domain.Helpful commandsUse the following commands to verify the properoperation of a Mobility Domain in support of featuressuch as subnet roaming:■ display mobility-domain status—In a function-ing Mobility Domain, the output on every WXswitch displays every WX switch in the MobilityDomain.■ display roaming vlan—In a functioning MobilityDomain, the output on every WX switch displaysthe network-attached VLAN of every other WXswitch in the Mobility Domain.Other useful commands, documented in the WirelessLAN Switch and Controller Command Reference,include display tunnel and display roaming sta-tion.